Health Programs Menu
Menopause Program
Pregnancy Program
Clear Skin Program
ADHD SuperKid Program
Weight Loss Program
Stress & Anxiety Program
Fertility Program
Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Acupuncture
Breaking Through Autism Program
Adjunctive Cancer Care Program
Exclusive Health Programs
Menopause Program
Price: $510 (includes 5 naturopathic Consultations)
Program Includes:
- 5 appointments over the course of 3-5 months
- Liver and hormonal detoxification and cleansing program
- Clinical nutritional recommendations for healthy hormone balance
- Vitamin and botanical medicine individualized program to address underlying cause of menopausal symptoms (including weight loss, hot flashes, insomnia, etc)
- Lifestyle modifications and stress management counselling
- Potent antioxidant treatment to age beautifully, address physiological aging and stay youthful inside and out
Assessment may Include (as indicated):
- Comprehensive health history evaluation to identify triggers and underlying causes
- Blood work (minerals, vitamins, hormones)
- Salivary hormone testing (including cortisol)
- Urine thyroid hormone testing
- Food sensitivity testing
Appointment Structure:
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status, recommendation of indicated testing are prescribed and begin individualized detoxification and cleansing program.
- Second appointment includes: Full physical exam, review of test results if any have been performed, commencement of your individualized treatment plan to address underlying cause(s) of your menopausal symptoms.
- Third appointment includes: Nutritional and supplement plan is reviewed and 1st symptom-specific acupuncture treatment.
- Fourth appointment: Reassessment is performed, initiation of potent antioxidant treatment along with the 2nd symptom-specific acupuncture treatment provided.
- Fifth appointment: Follow-up on antioxidant as well as hormonal balancing treatment progress, along with the 3rd symptom-specific acupuncture treatment.
Potential Synergistic Treatments:
- Massage Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Chiropractic Medicine
- Life Coach
- Holistic Nutritionist
Clear Skin Program
Price: $510 (includes 5 naturopathic consultations)
Program Includes:
- 5 appointments over the course of 3-5 months
- Liver and hormonal detoxification and cleansing program
- Clinical nutritional recommendations for healthy hormone balance
- Vitamin and botanical medicine individualized program to address underlying cause of skin issues (hormonal, inflammatory, bacterial, immune, etc)
- Lifestyle modifications and stress management counselling
- Potent antioxidant treatment to age beautifully, address physiological aging and stay youthful inside and out
Assessment may Include (as indicated):
- Comprehensive health history evaluation to identify triggers and underlying causes
- Blood work (minerals, vitamins, hormones)
- Salivary hormone testing (including cortisol)
- Urine thyroid hormone testing
- Environmental chemical/toxin exposure testing
- Heavy metal testing
- Food sensitivity testing
Appointment Structure:
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status, recommendation of indicated testing are prescribed and begin individualized dermatological detoxification and cleansing program.
- Second appointment includes: Full physical exam, review of test results if any have been performed, commencement of your individualized treatment plan to address underlying cause(s) of your dermatological symptoms.
- Third appointment includes: Nutritional and supplement plan is reviewed and adjustments made as indicated
- Fourth appointment: Reassessment is performed, and initiation of more potent topical treatments as indicated
- Fifth appointment: Follow-up with both internal and external treatment: modifications will be made to treatment based on the improvement of your skin health to achieve long-term sustainable results.
Potential Synergistic Treatments:
- Massage Therapy
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Chiropractic Medicine
- Holistic Nutritionist
Stress and Anxiety Program
Price: $510 (includes 5 naturopathic consultations)
Program Includes:
- 5 appointments over the course of 3-5 months
- Clinical nutritional guidelines for optimal stress response
- Vitamin and botanical medicine recommendations to correct underlying imbalances
- Lifestyle modifications and stress management counselling
- Skill development for long-term stress management
Assessments may Include (as indicated):
- Comprehensive health history evaluation to identify triggers and underlying causes
- Blood work (minerals, vitamins, hormones)
- Salivary hormone testing (cortisol levels)
- Urine thyroid hormone testing
- Food sensitivity testing
Appointment Structure:
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status, recommendation of indicated testing are prescribed and initial dietary and lifestyle recommendations are made.
- Second appointment includes: Full Physical Exam, review of test results if any have been performed, commencement of your individualized program to support your mental/emotional and physiological stress response.
- Third appointment includes: Long term nutritional and supplement plan is reviewed and 1st stress-reducing acupuncture treatment.
- Fourth appointment: Skill development for long-term stress management and reassessment is performed along with indicated modifications as well as the 2nd stress-reducing acupuncture treatment provided.
- Fifth appointment: Practical tools and strategies are developed for optimal stress and anxiety management in your day-to-day life and 3rd stress-reducing acupuncture treatment provided.
Potential Synergistic Treatments (as indicated):
- Massage Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Chiropractic Medicine
- Life Coach
Breaking through Autism Program
Price: $510 (includes 5 naturopathic consultations)
Program Includes:
Optimization of Digestive Health - Biomedical treatment emphasizes the gut-brain connection and places strong emphasis in the importance of re-creating the balance of good microbes in the digestive tract. This is most commonly achieved by rotating through different strains of probiotics to improve the overall gut micro biome amongst other naturopathic therapies.
Identification and Elimination of Food Sensitivities - Identification of food sensitivities and elimination of offending foods is often amongst the most powerful treatments used in the treatment of ASD's. Also a critical component is gastrointestinal healing where the digestive system is able to better absorb nutrients to ultimately provide the fuel for the body to run optimally.
Immune System Support - It is common to detect fungal infections and/or parasitic infections which can contribute to the severity of autistic presentation. By eradicating any infection, the immune system will be rebalanced.
Nutrient Supplementation with Top-quality Nutraceuticals - Individuals with an ASD diagnosis often have increased requirements for several basic, essential vitamins and minerals. Without supplementation, many key biological processes are slowed or blocked. Delivering appropriate doses of key nutrients and nutritional cofactors restores appropriate or near appropriate function to dozens of key enzyme systems within he body. Methylcobalamin injections (vitamin B12) and other methylation support will also be integrated into treatment.
Support Detoxification of Environmental and Heavy Metal Burden - Assessment and treatment targeting elimination of any toxic burden will achieve highly significant improvement to symptoms when elevated toxic burden is present.
How Will Your Child Benefit? (individual achievements will vary)
- Increase in vocabulary, language complexity and enhanced receptive, expressive and spontaneous language development
- Enhanced cognition, understanding and leanring
- Augmented digestive, immune and skin health as well as ritual sleep patterns
- Improvements in focus, impulsivity and attention
- Increased tolerance to touch
- Developed understanding of emotions and how to express
- Decreased self-stimulating and self-harming behaviour
- Improvement interacting and socializing with peers and family
Assessment may Include (if indicated):
- Urinary organic acid test
- Comprehensive digestive stool analysis and parasitology
- Microbial stool profile
- Yeast culture and sensitivity
- Heavy metal analysis
- Food sensitivity testing
- Genetic polymorphism assessment
- Vitamin D spot test
- Neurotransmitter levels
- Hormone levels (saliva or blood)
- Blood tests (CBC, celiac panel, vitamin A, D, B12, MMA, plasma zinc, serum copper, ferritin, thyroid, liver and kidney function tests, cholesterol and essential fatty acids as well as immune markers)
Appointment Structure:
Due to the varying degrees of severity & unique experiences of ASD, appointment structure may vary.
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status (including a full family history), indicated physical exam, and recommendations of specialized testing is prescribed. Specific dietary and lifestyle interventions are implemented to establish the foundation of treatment as well as natural medical supplement regime catered to the individual's experience of ASD.
- Appointments thereafter : Prioritized as per the individual's treatment progression
- review of test results if any performed
- Essential nutrient, nutraceutical, and botanical medical therapy (adjusted according to treatment progression)
- Removal of heavy metals (if detected)
- Elimination of systemic fungal infection (if detected) and immune system balancing
- Decrease environmental load on body functioning
~ 4 remaining appointments from the package – quarterly to semi-annual reassessment and maintenance follow-ups will be recommended to sustain improvements gained.
Potential Synergistic Treatments Include:
- Occupational Therapy
- Behavioural therapy programs
- Speech and Language therapy
- Chiropractic and/or Osteopathic manual adjustments
Important Note:
It is important to note that early intervention will yield the most dramatic improvement. While biomedical therapies can be used on autistic individuals of any age, the efficacy of treatment is more pronounced in young children. IN order to maximize your child's social, psychological and emotional development, it is strongly encouraged that he/she start treatment as soon as possible.
The Pregnancy Program
Price: 510 dollars (includes 5 naturopathic visits)
First visit for first Trimester: (week 1-12)
- Body changes: what to expect
- Preparing for lifestyle modifications, safe exercises and dietary recommendations
- Supplement recommendations to optimize wellness of mom and baby
- Strategies to reduce development of stretch marks
- Management of common concerns if present, but not limited to: nausea, vomiting, fatigue
Second visit for second Trimester: (week 13-27)
- Discuss and understand fetal movement
- Dietary and supplement recommendations that are important at this stage of the pregnancy
- Information and resources for breastfeeding and healthy bottle-feeding habits
- Stress management strategies
- Management of common concerns if present, but not limited to: varicose veins, headaches
Two visits during the third Trimester: (week 28-birth ~40)
- Recognizing signs of labour
- Relaxation techniques and strategies
- Acupressure education for management of pain during labour
- One Pre-Birth Acupuncture session at 36 weeks:
- Reduces medical induction
- Has been shown to induce a short and efficient labour
- Reduces medical intervention and chances of requiring a cesarean section
- Herbal, supplement and nutritional recommendations to optimize labour and birth
- Post-birth plan and Post-birth recovery kit
- Management of common concerns if present, but not limited to: constipation, heart burn, immune
- Option to continue pre-birth acupuncture treatments if past due date
Fifth visit for Post-natal care
- Optimize energy recovery by supporting the adrenal glands
- Mental health and well being post delivery
- Healing from cesarean or episiotomy
- Support with transitioning into motherhood
Adjunctive Cancer Care Program
Price: $510 (includes 5 naturopathic medical visits)
Program Description:
5 appointments over the course of 3-5 months
This program is applicable in the following situations:
- Individuals who have already undergone chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment and are looking to decrease the risk of reoccurrence.
- Individuals who have a strong family history of Cancer (grandparents, parents or siblings that have been diagnosed with certain cancers that have been linked to a genetic predisposition).
- Individuals who are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation and would like to receive natural adjunctive care to alleviate side effects, optimize the body’s health in order to get through treatment without interruption while decreasing the severity of side-effects. Additionally, adjunctive naturopathic treatments have been shown to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy, chemotherapeutic agents and radiation.
The Philosophy of Naturopathic Adjunctive Cancer Care:
- The body has an innate gift for healing itself. It must be properly nourished, kept clean, and supported to do its job. Naturopathic Medicines apply strategies that respect the nature of the human being.
- Naturopathic Medicine is evidence-based and tailored to the individual patient.
- When a naturopathic treatment plan is created for a specific individual patient, a thorough and diligent consideration and study of all and any interactions of naturopathic treatments with conventional treatments are considered and avoided.
- Safety of naturopathic treatment is always assessed and viewed as the utmost and foremost priority when creating a treatment plan for the individual.
The goals, from a Naturopathic perspective:
- To support and nourish the patient to fight the disease.
- Achieving clinical stability with good quality of life may be possible and varies based on the individual’s specific case.
- Achieving life extension may be possible and varies based the individual’s specific case.
Primary Naturopathic Strategies Included in the Program:
1) Improve the terrain (the internal biochemical milieu) to support normal cell division, primarily by improving nutrition, decreasing oxidative stress, decreasing inflammation, regulating insulin-like growth factor, IGF-1, which is commonly overexpressed in many cancers, regulating and supporting healthy blood coagulation parameters, immunity and stress hormones.
2) Support differentiation of cells back to their normal function.
3) Remove promoters-environmental toxins, dietary hazards, and toxic emotional stressors. Apply physical, dietary and mental hygiene principles to create a safer lifestyle.
4) Optimize the detoxification pathways to reduce the toxic burden on the body.
5) Support the body in its ability to stop mutation, stabilize the DNA genome and repair DNA.
6) Decrease invasion and metastasis.
7) Enhance cell-to-cell communication.
8) Support apoptosis-the off-switch for bad cells- a built-in cellular program for natural removal of cells with unhealthy DNA, or cells that are no longer needed.
9) Supporting the burning of sugars by oxygen in the mitochondria, to restore the off-switch in cancer cells.
10) Control inflammation and its growth factor that speed progression
11) Use synergies of evidence-based natural therapies to promote cancer cell death.
12) Target specific growth factors and their receptors with natural medicines.
13) Support balanced immune function, including removal of toxic fungi and parasites, control viral replication, restore the good flora and fauna of the gut.
14) Promote the inhibition of invasion.
15) Promote the cessation of metastasis or spread to distant sites.
16) Promote the cessation of blood vessel growth into tumors and cancer cell clusters.
17) Reduce side-effects and symptoms of the disease and treatment.
18) Detoxification from chemo drugs and other harsh medications after treatment.
19) Rejuvenation-restore real health and vitality.
20) Prevention of re-occurrence or new cancers or other chronic disease.
Assessment May Include (as indicated):
- Comprehensive health history evaluation to identify specific treatment needs as well as the pathophysiological issues at play.
- Recommendations for laboratory testing and evaluation to better treat the individual and for a more tailored adjunctive treatment plan.
- Evaluation of already obtained laboratory test results, imaging reports and biopsy reports.
- Health parameters such as body weight, lean body mass index BMI, blood albumen, liver enzymes, kidney function and blood chemistry will be monitored.
Appointment Structure:
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status, recommendation of indicated testing is prescribed. Specific recommendations and instructions for a Naturopathic Cancer diet.
- Second appointment includes: Full physical exam, review of test results if any have been performed, commencement of your individualized adjunctive cancer treatment plan based on the strategies mentioned above.
- Appointments thereafter:
- Adjunctive treatment plan is constantly reviewed and any required changes are made.
- Reassessments are performed along with the monitoring of health parameters to assess progress.
- Co-existing medical conditions e.g hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular, immune, renal or liver complications are addressed and treated.
- Resources are provided for support throughout cancer treatment and to support an optimal recovery.
- After treatment and recovery a detoxification plan will be implemented, followed by a preventative treatment plan based on the individual case.
Please be advised that this program is not making any claims of curing cancer and does not in any way promise to cure cancer patients. This is strictly an adjunctive cancer care program created to support the patient and provide them with the most comprehensive care possible as they undergo treatment, after treatment or purely for preventative purposes. No guarantees are made and outcomes cannot be predicted.
Facial Rejuvenation Cosmetic Acupuncture
Price: options with number of treatments. Recommended 12 weekly treatments $1100.00 (save $565 with package)
Program includes:
- 12 weekly cosmetic acupuncture treatments (recommended for best results)
- Protocol individualized to your skin type using professional evidence-based natural products
- Clinical nutritional recommendations for internal skin rejuvenation
- Vitamin & mineral, antioxidant as well as botanical recommended to promote anti-aging support specific to your physiology
- Lifestyle modifications and stress management recommendations (emotional strain shows not only on the face, but overall can dampen a vibrant personality of youth)
Benefits include:
- Improved skin tone
- Increased collagen production
- Helps to reduce under-eye circles and puffiness
- Aids to reduce wrinkle visibility
- Tightens skin pores
- Helps to life eyelids
- Lightens age spots
- Reduces stress evident on the face
- Alleviates TMJ tightness/pain
- Nourishes the skin and improves radiance
Appointment structure:
- Initial appointment includes: Evaluation of previous and current health status, dermatological assessment, traditional Chinese medical assessment, internal dermatological detoxification and rejuvenation protocol prescribed and facial massage.
- Appointments thereafter: Facial rejuvenation cosmetic acupuncture treatments and reassessment of internal as well as external therapies with indicated adjustments if warranted
Possible risks: Possible risk of bruising due to high concentration of microvasculature within the face.
Insurance Coverage:
Most private health care plans will provide coverage for the services included in any of the programs listed above.